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5 Reasons Why Customers Prefer to Book Online:

With technology on the rise it is no secret that we are moving towards a world where the internet and media channels are becoming the preferred way to shop.  Not only are people feeling more comfortable with online shopping but they are actually now expecting to have the option of purchasing over the internet from companies.

There is no denying that technology is also changing the ways in which we travel.  Unlike ever before, we now have access to anything and everything virtually at the tips of our fingers. One click of a button and you can be off on your next adventure somewhere halfway across the world!

Over the years there’s been a real shift in people’s desires and priorities.  Seeking out unique or “off-the-beaten-path” experiences now holds a much higher weight as opposed to purchasing basic tangible items.  As a society we are becoming more adventure seeking, and willing to say “yes” without feeling the need for much thought or planning.

Technology has allowed us to become truly independent which is why more people are taking the plunge and traveling alone.  Thanks to our smartphones we have the freedom to explore on our own, and figure things out as we go. People now have access to information on places all around the world. No longer do they need to worry about finding out a hotel’s rating or wonder what activities are offered where.  Today, all of their questions can be answered immediately with a simple scroll on their devices.

Here are 5 Reasons Why Customers Prefer to Book Online:

1. It’s Where Customers Gather Their Information

Any company knows that in this generation thanks to technology, the customer is king.  The internet allows for in-depth research and enables shoppers to compare and contrast every product or experience they are interested in.  Nearly all customers are now reading and learning about every feature their potential purchases offer straight from their mobile devices. Technology has made it a reality for us to be able to review a company and their offerings before going through with the purchase. Talk about some real consumer buying power! 

If the customer happens to find what they are looking for on your company website the final step is booking it.  This is where providing a secure online booking platform becomes crucial for experience and activity offering companies.  It is here that they can list the description and any other important details pertaining to their tours or activities. Companies can even provide a review page to help better match potential customers with their desired experience.  No longer does one have to call a number and go through the hassle of booking with someone over the phone. Online booking makes it easy to simply choose an activity, select a time, enter the payment information and before you know it you are ready to go.  These few simple clicks provide a great deal of convenience for shoppers, and eliminate the complications/uncertainties of booking over the phone.

2. Booking Online is a Shareable and Convenient Experience

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have completely changed the way we interact.  People can now communicate with each other 24/7 and this idea of sharing photos, videos, and our personal stories/experiences has become the new norm.  

Often times when booking flights or hotels there are a lot of other important documents and pieces of information that come along with it.  Online booking ensures that people have access to all of these crucial forms right there on their phones. Therefore, they can simply pull them up when needed, and do not have to worry about forgetting important forms such as their boarding pass or confirmation numbers.  Booking online also makes it easy for customers to book in pairs. It allows for them to share the necessary information with their travel partners, taking out all of the complications and making for a more enjoyable experience.

3. Online Booking Can Be Accessed Anytime, Anywhere

Possibly the largest drawback with over the phone booking is that it can cause major problems when it comes to people looking to travel from across the world.  With online booking platforms, factors such as time zones and language barriers are no longer relevant issues. They allow for customers from all over who may potentially speak different languages to also book with ease, and convenience.  

Online booking also eliminates the need for your staff to be working longer hours in an attempt to accommodate those from other parts of the world. There is no restriction on how many bookings can be made at once because people have the ability to do it on their own time and from the comfort of their home. Sounds like a pretty big win for everyone!

4. Online Booking Allows Customers to Have Control Over Their Buying Experience

In today’s society, one of the most up and coming trends in consumer behavior is the need for one to have control (or feel as though they have control) over their personal buying process.  They want to have the power to gather the information most relevant to them, and the freedom of making decisions on their own time. People do not want to feel restricted being forced to sit on the phone waiting for another person to book their activity or trip for them.  

More and more customers are being turned off from the traditional tactic of selling.  They do not appreciate the feeling of being pressured and want to believe that the purchase decision stemmed from them.  Online booking offers consumers a great sense of comfort and enables them to feel as though they are the ones spearheading their own purchasing decisions!

5. Online Booking Stimulates Impulse Buying

Due to its high level of convenience and accessibility online booking platforms are far more likely to increase the amount of “impulse purchases” as opposed to ordinary phone-based ones.  With just a few simple clicks customers can go straight from the information page of a site directly to the checkout. It requires little to no thinking, making it much more enticing for shoppers to hit that purchase button!

By implementing an online booking platform you are offering your customers many more benefits such as the power to choose their own dates, times, activities, and payment-methods. To learn more about how to setup online booking for your site contact a member of our team and see how you can enhance your online business status.